We all say we want peace, yet fewer of us are willing to do what it actually takes to get it. Peace isn't something we find—it's something we create. And creating it requires giving up some of the things our egos cling to, like a life raft.
Here's the truth: If you want peace, you must let go of a few things.
1. Let Go of the Need to Be Right
Ask yourself: Do I want to be right, or do I want to be free?
Because most of the time, those two things don't go together. The ego loves being right. It feeds off of proving a point, winning arguments, and keeping score. But at what cost? Peace happens when you stop needing to convince everyone that you have the answers. You'll feel a sense of liberation when you learn to let people be wrong if that's what they need to do.
2. Stop Thinking Life Is Fair
"That's not fair." You're right. Life isn't fair. The universe doesn't run on a justice system that ensures everyone gets what they deserve. But here's the hard truth: Clinging to the idea that life should be fair only keeps you stuck. Peace comes from radical acceptance. From playing the hand you've been dealt instead of wasting energy wishing you had a different set of cards.
3. Drop the Fantasy That People Will Change for You
People change when they decide to, not when you want them to. If your peace depends on someone else waking up and being the version of themselves you wish they were, you're setting yourself up for suffering. Accept them as they are—or walk away. But waiting around for them to become what you need? That's self-inflicted torture.
4. Stop Arguing With Reality
Most of your stress doesn't come from what's happening. It comes from resisting what's happening. Fighting reality is a losing game. What is, is. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can work with it instead of against it and feel in control of your life.
5. Quit Outsourcing Your Happiness
No one is coming to save you. Not your partner, not your friends, not your job, not some perfect future where everything finally falls into place. Your peace is your responsibility. Stop waiting for someone else to hand it to you.
6. Let Go of the Illusion of Control
You don't control half the things you think you do, and the more you try to, the more stressed, anxious, and frustrated you'll be. Peace comes from surrendering—not giving up but giving in to the flow of life.
7. Stop Replaying the Past as if You Can Edit It
What's done is done. No amount of overanalyzing, regretting, or reliving it will change that. But every second you spend stuck in the past is a second you're robbing from your present. Move forward.
8. Accept That Closure Is a Myth
Not every chapter gets a clean ending. Some things will never make sense. Some people will never give you the apology, the explanation, or the resolution you want. Peace is learning to let go without needing the whole story.
9. Quit Taking Everything So Personally
Not everything is about you. People's reactions, opinions, and behaviours are based on their internal worlds—not yours. The sooner you stop attaching your peace to what others say or do, the lighter you'll feel.
10. Stop Waiting for Permission to Live the Way You Want To
No one is going to give you the green light. No one will show up and say, "Now is the perfect time to start living on your terms." You have to decide—right now. Peace comes from owning your choices, stepping fully into your life without waiting for the world's approval, and feeling empowered to live authentically.
If you want peace, start by letting go—not of who you are but of everything keeping you from being free.
What's one thing you're ready to release?
Drop it in the comments.
Let's talk.
And remember, the journey to peace is ongoing. Take the first step today and let go of what's holding you back.
If you would like some help in creating a plan to get you from feeling stressed to feeling blessed, check out my Coaching Services below: